Oil and Gas Industry

Oil and Gas Industry

GN Solids brings extensive experience in the oil and gas industry, primarily focusing on drilling mud solid control equipment, drilling waste management, oil sludge treatment systems, shale shaker screens. As a reputable provider, GN Solids is among the few companies holding the API Q1 manufacturing certificate and Europe CE certificate for solids control equipment. GN Solids Australia maintains a stock of shaker screens and solids control equipment to cater to the local market.

Solids Control Equipment

Drilling Waste Management Equipment

Oil Sludge Treatment Equipment/ Shaker Screens

GN Solids’ Oil Gas Industry Experience

With over 15 years of providing solids control equipment to the global oil and gas industry, GN Solids is well-versed in delivering high-quality solutions. The company is capable of providing equipment meeting IECEX and ATEX explosion-proof standards for international markets. GN Solids' engineers understand the safety requirements conforming to mechanical and electrical standards in Australia. Moreover, GN Solids works closely with local consultant companies in Australia to ensure that the equipment meets the quality and safety standards of the Australian oil and gas industry.